When Babies start to kick? - AJ MATERNITY CLOTHING

When Babies start to kick?

When babies start to kick?

Discovering your pregnancy is a moment filled with emotions, and it heralds an incredible journey ahead. If you've just seen that positive pregnancy test, congratulations! This blog offers valuable guidance to help you, a newly-discovered mom-to-be, start this exciting journey with confidence and preparation.

When Can You Notice the Baby's First Kicks?

The baby's first movements usually appear around the 8th week of pregnancy. However, they may not be noticeable to the mother at this stage due to the small size of the fetus. Typically, moms start feeling these kicks around the 20th week of pregnancy, when the fetus has grown larger and can exert more force against the abdominal walls.

First-time moms may notice these movements later than those who have had previous pregnancies. Additionally, factors such as obesity, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the location of the placenta can affect perception.

The Intensity of Fetal Movements

Initially, fetal movements may feel like gentle bubbles inside the uterus, but they gradually intensify and may even cause discomfort. The maximum intensity of fetal movements occurs around the 28th week of pregnancy and tends to decrease as the space within the uterus diminishes.

Regardless of the frequency or intensity, it's crucial to note that fetal movements should always be present until the end of pregnancy. These movements are evaluated during prenatal check-ups to determine the health and well-being of the baby.


How Often Should You Feel the Baby's Kicks?

From the 20th week onwards, kicks are present but may be faint, making it difficult to assess their daily frequency. As weeks progress, movements become more frequent, allowing the mother to establish the baby's daily movement pattern. It's ideal to record these patterns in a journal to monitor the baby's daily rhythm.

During the third trimester, it's normal for the baby to have at least 10 movements per day. Any deviation from this or a significant decrease in the baby's usual activity warrants prompt medical attention.


When Are Fetal Movements Most Frequent?

Fetal movements are influenced by factors such as the mother's mealtime and the type of food she consumes. Sweet foods, for example, can increase fetal activity due to rising blood glucose levels. Additionally, the fetus responds to the mother's emotions through hormones circulating in both their bloodstreams.

Finally, fetal movements are also influenced by the state of wakefulness and sleep. Typically, babies are more active during the early hours of the day and at night. During rest periods, usually lasting 40 to 60 minutes, fetal movements decrease.


The Benefits of Fetal Kicks in the Womb

Fetal movements play a crucial role in overall neuromuscular development. They help the baby strengthen muscles, practice swallowing, and coordinate brain functions with other organs.

More than just counting daily kicks, it's essential to observe the rhythm and pattern of movements. This allows mothers to understand their baby's activity level and become familiar with their sleep-wake cycles.

If a mother notices a decrease in fetal activity or passes more than 24 hours without feeling any movements, it's advisable to seek medical attention to ensure the pregnancy's well-being.



The baby's first kicks signify the first sensory encounter between mother and child. They are vital in many ways, fostering a strong bond and indicating the baby's well-being. By understanding the timing, frequency, and significance of these movements, mothers can embark on their pregnancy journey with confidence and assurance.

(All sources cited have been thoroughly reviewed to ensure quality, reliability, timeliness, and validity.)


The bibliography of this article has been considered reliable and accurate academically or scientifically.

American Pregnancy Association. (2021). Counting your baby's movements. USA. Retrieved from: https://americanpregnancy.org/es/healthy-pregnancy/while-pregnant/counting-baby-kicks-71051/ Cabanyes, J. (2014). Fetal behavior: a window to neurodevelopment and early diagnosis. Revista Pediatría Atencion Primaria vol.16 no.63 Madrid jul./sep. 2014. Northwestern Memorial Hospital (2018). Fetal Movement Counting. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Leidy/Downloads/northwestern-medicine-conteo-de-movimientos-fetales-fetal-movement-counting%20(2).pdf Thomas, L. (2018). Fetal movements in pregnancy. Retrieved from: https://www.news-medical.net/health/Fetal-Movements-in-Pregnancy-(Spanish).aspx

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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